help for Japan: músicos hardrockeros se unen para ayudar

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help for Japan: músicos hardrockeros se unen para ayudar Empty help for Japan: músicos hardrockeros se unen para ayudar

Mensaje por Rock till I die Dom 7 Ago 2011 - 12:46

"Don Airey - Keyboards (Deep Purple), Leo Leoni - Guitars (Gotthard), Neil Murray - Bass Guitar (ex-Whitesnake, ex-Gary Moore)
Hena Habegger - Drums (Gotthard) and on Vocals .... 14 lead singers.
We will start to reveal the names of the lead singers on the
"Help for Japan" Facebookpage

“HELP!” is a charity project initiated by Tommy Heart (voc., Soul Doctor, Fair Warning), Leo Leoni (guit., Gotthard), Don Airey (keys, Deep Purple), Neil Murray (bass) and Hena Habegger (dr., Gotthard) and centered about a newly recorded version of the Beatles’ classic song “Help”. All income from the sales of this later to be released song will be donated to the victims of the Japanese earthquake.

help for Japan: músicos hardrockeros se unen para ayudar 205963_254554911239447_226949923999946_988717_1055081_n
Rock till I die
Rock till I die

Mensajes : 7995
Fecha de inscripción : 13/07/2008

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