Billy Joel (We Didn't Start The Fire) VS Neil Diamond (Done Too Soon)

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Billy Joel (We Didn't Start The Fire) VS Neil Diamond (Done Too Soon) Vote_lcap0%Billy Joel (We Didn't Start The Fire) VS Neil Diamond (Done Too Soon) Vote_rcap 0% 
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Billy Joel (We Didn't Start The Fire) VS Neil Diamond (Done Too Soon) Vote_lcap100%Billy Joel (We Didn't Start The Fire) VS Neil Diamond (Done Too Soon) Vote_rcap 100% 
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Billy Joel (We Didn't Start The Fire) VS Neil Diamond (Done Too Soon) Empty Billy Joel (We Didn't Start The Fire) VS Neil Diamond (Done Too Soon)

Mensaje por Gallardo Sáb 26 Dic 2015 - 17:25

Dos canciones, cada una con su lista.

Done Too Soon, la de Neil Diamond, es de 1970. We Didn't Start The Fire, la de Billy Joel, de 1989.

"Done Too Soon"

Jesus Christ, Fanny Brice
Wolfie Mozart and Humphrey Bogart
And Genghis Khan
And on to H. G. Wells

Ho Chi Minh, Gunga Din
Henry Luce and John Wilkes Booth
And Alexanders King and Graham Bell

Ramar Krishna, Mama Whistler
Patrice Lumumba and Russ Colombo
Karl and Chico Marx
Albert Camus,

E. A. Poe, Henri Rousseau
Sholom Aleichem and Caryl Chessman
Alan Freed and Buster Keaton too

And each one there
Has one thing shared
They have sweated beneath the same sun
Looked up in wonder at the same moon
And wept when it was all done

For bein' done too soon
For bein' done too soon
For bein' done

"We Didn't Start The Fire"

Harry Truman, Doris Day, Red China, Johnnie Ray
South Pacific, Walter Winchell, Joe DiMaggio
Joe McCarthy, Richard Nixon, Studebaker, Television
North Korea, South Korea, Marilyn Monroe

Rosenbergs, H-Bomb, Sugar Ray, Panmunjom
Brando, The King And I, and The Catcher In The Rye
Eisenhower, Vaccine, England's got a new queen
Marciano, Liberace, Santayana goodbye

We didn't start the fire
It was always burning
Since the world's been turning
We didn't start the fire
No we didn't light it
But we tried to fight it

Joseph Stalin, Malenkov, Nasser and Prokofiev
Rockefeller, Campanella, Communist Bloc
Roy Cohn, Juan Peron, Toscanini, Dacron
Dien Bien Phu Falls, Rock Around the Clock
Einstein, James Dean, Brooklyn's got a winning team
Davy Crockett, Peter Pan, Elvis Presley, Disneyland
Bardot, Budapest, Alabama, Khrushchev
Princess Grace, Peyton Place, Trouble in the Suez

We didn't start the fire
It was always burning
Since the world's been turning
We didn't start the fire
No we didn't light it
But we tried to fight it

Little Rock, Pasternak, Mickey Mantle, Kerouac
Sputnik, Chou En-Lai, Bridge On The River Kwai
Lebanon, Charles de Gaulle, California baseball
Starkweather, Homicide, Children of Thalidomide...

Buddy Holly, Ben-Hur, Space Monkey, Mafia
Hula Hoops, Castro, Edsel is a no-go
U-2, Syngman Rhee, payola and Kennedy
Chubby Checker, Psycho, Belgians in the Congo

We didn't start the fire
It was always burning
Since the world's been turning
We didn't start the fire
No we didn't light it
But we tried to fight it

Hemingway, Eichmann, Stranger in a Strange Land
Dylan, Berlin, Bay of Pigs invasion
Lawrence of Arabia, British Beatlemania
Ole Miss, John Glenn, Liston beats Patterson

Pope Paul, Malcolm X, British Politician Sex
J.F.K. blown away, what else do I have to say

We didn't start the fire
It was always burning
Since the world's been turning
We didn't start the fire
No we didn't light it
But we tried to fight it

Birth control, Ho Chi Minh, Richard Nixon back again
Moonshot, Woodstock, Watergate, punk rock
Begin, Reagan, Palestine, Terror on the airline
Ayatollah's in Iran, Russians in Afghanistan
Wheel of Fortune, Sally Ride, heavy metal, suicide
Foreign debts, homeless Vets, AIDS, Crack, Bernie Goetz
Hypodermics on the shores, China's under martial law
Rock and Roller Cola wars, I can't take it anymore

We didn't start the fire
It was always burning
Since the world's been turning
We didn't start the fire
But when we are gone
It will still burn on and on and on and on
And on and on and on and on...

We didn't start the fire
It was always burning
Since the world's been turning
We didn't start the fire
No we didn't light it
But we tried to fight it

We didn't start the fire
It was always burning
Since the world's been turning
We didn't start the fire
No, we didn't light it
But we tried to fight it

We didn't start the fire
It was always burning
Since the world's been turning
We didn't start the fire
No, we didn't light it
But we tried to fight it

La canción de Billy Joel es buena. Y es una buena lista. Pero parte de su mérito se encuentra en la originalidad, que es bastante relativa. Casi veinte años antes, Neil Diamond había hecho otra lista que, en mi humilde opinión, era y sigue siendo infinitamente más arriesgada, rompedora y original.

Eso respecto a la letra y a la idea de canción considerada de forma independiente respecto a la música. Porque, en lo que respecta a la música, creo que tampoco hay comparación.

Billy Joel crea un fondo sonoro para su recitado y remata con un estribillo melódicamente poco inspirado (son bastante más interesantes las estrofas que el estribillo).

Neil Diamond arranca Done Too Soon con entusiasmo e inunda su recitado con una sección de viento absolutamente excesiva (con el exceso que requiere su excesivo texto) en la línea de lo que, ocho años después, haría Chuck Mangione con Children of Sánchez.

Done Too Soon, dividida en dos partes, en su primera parte, con esa lista grotesca y sorprendente, consigue que uno se pregunte ¡qué cojones es ésto!, para una vez escuchada la segunda parte, o su coda, o como querámoslo llamar, nos preguntemos ¡qué cojones es ésto! Una genialidad.

¡Opinen, que para éso están!

Mensajes : 8956
Fecha de inscripción : 24/06/2011

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