El mejor post del dia
Francois Zappa
le marchand de sable
R'as Kal Bhul
javi clemente
Eric Sachs
clint eastwood
Wonton Sopabuena
Polar Bear
karlos gasteiz
Humpty Dumpty
Steve Trumbo
Alérgico a Sabaton
uno cualquiera
David Z.
Sugar Bug
Emeritus Pope
sonic buzzard
Kinder Malo
In Ñute
120 participantes
Página 8 de 21.
Página 8 de 21. • 1 ... 5 ... 7, 8, 9 ... 14 ... 21
Re: El mejor post del dia
Eristoff, enormemente certero, como siempre
Eristoff escribió:Y ojo que yo a veces intuyo más misoginia en fans que en detractores.
Que alguno lo mismo le ha dao 10 puntos y le ha dedicado más pajas que escuchas.
Sin señalar.
RegSound- Moderador
- Mensajes : 52774
Fecha de inscripción : 06/11/2017
Re: El mejor post del dia
Sutter Cane escribió:Yo tengo una descomunal, pero no la puedo contar entera. Conozco a una chica una noche, nos liamos. Y un rato después empieza a ponerse rara. Como soy un depravado eso me incentiva más. Llegamos a su casa, pasa de mi puta cara, pero como queda southern comfort a mi me da un poco igual. A las siete de la mañana se me hinchan las pelotas y digo... bueno, pues nada... me voy. Y me dice, vale...vete.
Cuando estoy en la puerta me llama y me dice... puedes ayudarme a llevar el portatil y los altavoces a mi habitación? Pienso... pues ahora paso...pero bueno, hemos venido a jugar...segundo match... Voy.
Entro a la habitación, hay un perro de esos diminutos por ahí dando vueltas. Pienso que no me molan las mascotas que no me conocen en una habitación donde voy a estar desnudo, por si me muerden las pelotas en plan territorial o algo, pero ese perro es demasiado pequeño.
Nos liamos, me suelto los pantalones... y cuando van por los tobillos... Ella para... me mira fijamente a la cara y poco a poco , elevando el tono, empieza a gritar.. quien eres? quien eres? quien eres? QUIEN ERES? como pienso que es cachondeo me marco un baile ridículo bajandome los calzoncillos y digo en plan cantarín... el que te va follar!!!!! y entonces ella empieza a gritar y a empujarme... el perro diminuto, no sé porque condenada razón empieza a pegar botes intentando morderme la polla.... Consigo subirme los pantalones, y cuando levanto la cabeza, el monitor del ordenador pasa volando al lado de mi cabeza... coge una mesa, la vuelca.. se tira al suelo y empieza pegar patadas en plan la china del street fighter. Yo me quedo parado ahí en medio, y como soy optimista , sigo pensando que es una broma que se le ha ido de las manos.
A todo esto que veo a una chica salir de una habitación gritando que va a llamar a la policia, que la deje y me vaya... La tía pensaba que era yo el que estaba haciendole algo. Por suerte, otra compañera de piso que me conocia le dijo que no era eso.
resulta que le había dado esa noche un derivado de la mescalina que se come, y esta se metió la ración de cuatro personas por la nariz. Le dio un brote.
Al final , en la puerta pensé... me voy y no miro atrás, o me quedo y evito que esta cria se haga daño, o salte por la ventana (que tenía toda la pinta)
Así que en vez de follar me tiré casi un día entero acostado con ella, acariciandole la cabeza esperando a que se le pasara.
Y eso solo fue el primer día. Hubo tres meses más de infierno que me reservo.
salakov- Mensajes : 52889
Fecha de inscripción : 04/08/2015
Re: El mejor post del dia
Joder, yo lo mandé al grupo de colegas y se están partiendo
Alérgico a Sabaton- Mensajes : 1363
Fecha de inscripción : 01/02/2018
Re: El mejor post del dia
Eres un santo Sutter.
Polar Bear- Mensajes : 17410
Fecha de inscripción : 22/09/2016
Re: El mejor post del dia
Stoner lo ha vuelto a hacer:
Stoner escribió:
ruso- Mensajes : 32257
Fecha de inscripción : 27/08/2011
Re: El mejor post del dia
Wenn ist das Nunstück git und Slotermeyer? Ja! Beiherhund das Oder die Flipperwaldt gersput!
the_saturday_boy escribió:Subtítulos no encotré pero bueno, creo que es muda
Sugerio- Moderador
- Mensajes : 39168
Fecha de inscripción : 24/03/2008
freakedu- Moderador
- Mensajes : 77013
Fecha de inscripción : 25/03/2008
Esmeralda- Forera del Año
- Mensajes : 19132
Fecha de inscripción : 21/02/2018
Re: El mejor post del dia
Hoy está dura la pelea
Rikileaks- Mensajes : 83791
Fecha de inscripción : 17/01/2012
freakedu- Moderador
- Mensajes : 77013
Fecha de inscripción : 25/03/2008
freakedu- Moderador
- Mensajes : 77013
Fecha de inscripción : 25/03/2008
Re: El mejor post del dia
Rikileaks escribió:Hoy está dura la pelea
Hostia tu firma jajajajajajajajajajajajajajajajajajajajajaj
Woody- Mensajes : 45483
Fecha de inscripción : 06/03/2016
Re: El mejor post del dia
He creído entender que Stoner se pone una compresa en la cabeza.
La cuestión es, ¿con qué motivo? ¿Por qué?
La cuestión es, ¿con qué motivo? ¿Por qué?
salakov- Mensajes : 52889
Fecha de inscripción : 04/08/2015
Re: El mejor post del dia
salakov escribió:He creído entender que Stoner se pone una compresa en la cabeza.
La cuestión es, ¿con qué motivo? ¿Por qué?
Parece mentira que, con lo que parece gustarte el Arte, no puedas apreciarlo.
atila- Mensajes : 31106
Fecha de inscripción : 20/07/2008
Re: El mejor post del dia
salakov escribió:He creído entender que Stoner se pone una compresa en la cabeza.
La cuestión es, ¿con qué motivo? ¿Por qué?
No te preguntes por qué.
Pregúntate ¿Por qué no?
Y hazlo. Si lo haces, encontrarás la respuesta.
Queremos foto, por cierto.
Esmeralda- Forera del Año
- Mensajes : 19132
Fecha de inscripción : 21/02/2018
Re: El mejor post del dia
¿Es un reto viral?
Cuando vea el tuyo, ya si eso, cuelgo mi stonerización.
Cuando vea el tuyo, ya si eso, cuelgo mi stonerización.
salakov- Mensajes : 52889
Fecha de inscripción : 04/08/2015
Re: El mejor post del dia
¿por qué llamamos compresa al papel secante?
ksmith- Mensajes : 9419
Fecha de inscripción : 31/01/2018
Re: El mejor post del dia
ksmith escribió:¿por qué llamamos compresa al papel secante?
Porque absorbe y no se nota.
locovereas- Mensajes : 33324
Fecha de inscripción : 26/03/2008
Re: El mejor post del dia
Me pongo en la punta roquefort, me envuelvo la polla con jamon de bellota y de las pelotas cuelgo unas trufas. En que llegue mi mujer del curro le propongo esta mamada con degustación.
Me pongo en la punta roquefort, me envuelvo la polla con jamon de bellota y de las pelotas cuelgo unas trufas. En que llegue mi mujer del curro le propongo esta mamada con degustación.
Yomis- Mensajes : 38014
Fecha de inscripción : 03/09/2008
Re: El mejor post del dia
Eric Sachs escribió:
Nhttps://bylinetimes.com/2021/04/21/scientist-linked-to-great-barrington-declaration-embroiled-in-world-health-organization-conflict-of-interest/?fbclid=IwAR1IVVpX5K-xXFzqGQQnQlzOiUl87GoY93126Gt9P8wLKQmRoiEV802cXogafeez Ahmed reports on allegations of cronyism over the funding of a research paper which tries to dismiss evidence that COVID-19 is an airborne infection
A scientist with links to the co-founders of the ‘herd immunity’ Great Barrington Declaration has quietly secured funding from the World Health Organization (WHO) to produce a bizarre paper denying evidence that COVID-19 is airborne, Byline Times can exclusively reveal. Several members of the WHO committee which commissioned the paper appear to have benefited from the contract by showing up as co-authors of the very paper they contracted out without declaring the potential conflict of interest.
Conflicts of Interest: WHO is Paying Who?
The key author of the new paper, which has already failed peer review, is Carl Heneghan, Professor of Evidence-Based Medicine at Oxford University.
On 24 March, Heneghan released a pre-print purporting to offer a ‘systematic review’ of the role of airborne transmission in COVID-19 which was “commissioned and paid for by the World Health Organization (WHO).” The paper concludes that there is insufficient evidence to reach “firm conclusions over airborne transmission”, a finding at odds with the wider scientific community. This conclusion is largely justified by a lack of COVID-19 virus samples from the air, although many other confirmed airborne viruses lack such evidence.
Although the paper contains the caveat that “funders had no role in study design, data collection and analysis, decision to publish, or preparation of the manuscript,” several co-authors of the paper alongside Heneghan are members of the WHO Infection Prevention and Control Research and Development Expert Group for COVID-19 (IPCRDEG-C19), which advises the WHO on how it should commission external research.
This includes Professor John Conly, Chair of the WHO expert group, and Professor Tom Jefferson. Although Jefferson’s interest in WHO is declared in the paper, Conly’s is not. Conly is also a member of the WHO Health Emergencies Programme (WHE) Ad-hoc COVID-19 IPC Guidance Development Group.
The paper denying evidence for airborne transmission is part of a whole series of systematic reviews by Heneghan’s Center for Evidence-Based Medicine commissioned by the WHO committee, all of which include Conly and Jefferson as co-authors. None of the experts involved in the airborne transmission review, however, are experts in aerosols.
A senior scientist familiar with WHO’s processes who spoke to Byline Times on condition of anonymity described the arrangement as a form of “cronyism” in which: “The apparent ‘external’ ‘independent’ reviews are just this internal bunch paying themselves for looking at the literature through the narrow, ‘medical’ lens and overlooking all the key methodologies for building the evidence base on airborne.”
Whose Disinformation?
The deeper problem is that the main beneficiary of the WHO contract is linked to COVID-19 disinformation networks whose recommendations have been criticised by the WHO.
Heneghan, who commentators accuse of promoting misinformation on masks and ‘herd immunity’, sits on the scientific advisory board of Collateral Global – a non-profit anti-lockdown venture – alongside Oxford University epidemiologist Professor Sunetra Gupta, Harvard University’s Professor Martin Kulldorf, and Stanford University’s Professor Jay Bhattacharya.
All three of Heneghan’s colleagues are founders and named authors of the Great Barrington Declaration (GBD), a pseudoscientific document whose proposed strategy of letting the virus run has been widely criticised by public health scientists. As Byline Times has previously revealed, the GBD was sponsored by a right-wing libertarian think tank plugged into the Koch-backed climate science denial network, with a history of spreading misinformation on behalf of private health and tobacco lobbies. Most of the GBD’s supposed medical scientific signatories are unverified and unvetted.
Funds Man Behind
Great Barrington Declaration
Nafeez Ahmed
Collateral Global is founded and directed by Sunetra Gupta and her partner Alexander Caccia, a UK Ministry of Defence contractor with ties to Canadian government fossil fuel investments, who had secretly drafted the GBD document. He had also secured PR support for Gupta’s claims about herd immunity from an agency linked to the Cabinet Office ‘Nudge Unit’. OpenDemocracy has now revealed that Gupta personally received funding for her discredited research on herd immunity from a Tory billionaire.
A month before the GBD was published, Heneghan co-authored a controversial letter to Prime Minister Boris Johnson calling for an end to lockdowns and the switch to a so-called ‘focused protection’ strategy. The letter was described as a “thinly veiled return to a herd immunity strategy” by Dr Stephen Griffin, Associate Professor in the School of Medicine, University of Leeds.
Heneghan’s other co-authors included Sunetra Gupta; Professor Karol Sikora, who has a reported history of lobbying against the NHS on behalf of Conservative and Republican party pressure groups; and Sam Williams, a long-time consultant to the Government’s Treasury department who had published a pseudoscientific paper which appeared to misrepresent the COVID-19 death toll.
Promoting Pseudoscience
WHO contractors Heneghan and Jefferson have previously been accused of promoting anti-mask misinformation. In November 2020, they co-wrote an article in The Spectator claiming that a Danish randomised-control trial proved that “wearing masks in the community does not significantly reduce the rates of infection.”
Heneghan’s flawed methodology is inherently designed to exclude evidence of airborne transmission that doesn’t involve successfully sampling COVID-19 from the air
As Sonia Sodha in The Guardian observed, Heneghan and Jefferson made “two serious scientific errors… based on a misrepresentation of a Danish randomised-control trial.” The study only considered the impact on the mask-wearer, not on others, which is why its authors made clear that their study would not justify conclusions about the impact of mask-wearing on reducing community transmission.
“Second, implicit in Heneghan’s piece is the erroneous assumption that there is some abstract hierarchy when it comes to scientific evidence: a randomised trial is always more robust than an observational study. But a randomised trial is only as useful as its design; this particular one was not even set up to answer Heneghan’s question,” Sodha observed.
COVID-19 is Airborne
The WHO’s commissioning of a scientist linked to the Great Barrington Declaration is an unexpected development given the body’s outspoken criticisms of a ‘herd immunity’ strategy.
However, the WHO’s refusal to take airborne transmission seriously has faced trenchant criticisms from the scientific community since last year when 239 scientists signed an open letter calling for international bodies to recognise COVID-19 airborne transmission. Since then, numerous studies have shown that airborne transmission is the dominant route for infection.
Reducing Aerosol Transmission
Is an Easy Win
To Stop the Spread of COVID
Dr Nishant Joshi
Heneghan’s latest WHO review has been criticised in Britain’s top medical journal, The Lancet, in a new comment article by Professor Trisha Greenhalgh at Oxford University’s Department of Primary Care Health Sciences; University of Colorado aerosol expert Professor Jose-Luis Jimenez; University of California, San Diego (UCSD), aerosol expert Professor Kimberly Prather; Professor Zeynep Tufekci, a complex systems expert at University of North Carolina and Harvard; Professor David Fisman, an infectious disease epidemiologist at the University of Toronto’s Dalla Lana School of Public Health; and Professor Robert Schooley, chief of UCSD’s infectious disease division.
“Airborne transmission of respiratory viruses is difficult to demonstrate directly”, they point out. “Mixed findings from studies that seek to detect viable pathogen in air are therefore insufficient grounds for concluding that a pathogen is not airborne if the totality of scientific evidence indicates otherwise. Decades of painstaking research, which did not include capturing live pathogens in the air, showed that diseases once considered to be spread by droplets [such as measles or tuberculosis] are airborne.”
Although we know that measles and tuberculosis are primarily airborne diseases, to this day they “have never been cultivated from room air”, The Lancet authors note. If we were to apply Heneghan’s standards, we would be forced to reach the absurd conclusion that we have insufficient evidence that measles and tuberculosis are airborne.
In other words, Heneghan’s flawed methodology is inherently designed to exclude evidence of airborne transmission that doesn’t involve successfully sampling COVID-19 from the air.
The new Lancet article refers to a wide range of peer-reviewed studies in the scientific literature showing that: “Detailed analyses of human behaviours and interactions, room sizes, ventilation, and other variables in choir concerts, cruise ships, slaughterhouses, care homes, and correctional facilities, among other settings, have shown patterns… consistent with airborne spread of SARS-CoV-2 that cannot be adequately explained by droplets or fomites. The high incidence of such events strongly suggests the dominance of aerosol transmission.”
The Lancet thus article reflects an emerging consensus across the scientific literature. As an April editorial in the British Medical Journal explains: “It is now clear that SARS-CoV-2 transmits mostly between people at close range through inhalation… So governments and health leaders should heed the science and focus their efforts on airborne transmission.”
Byline Times contacted the WHO multiple times to ask why the body is working with a scientist linked to the Great Barrington Declaration to promote potential misinformation about COVID-19 transmission, but received no reply.
Carl Heneghan, John Conly and Tom Jefferson did not respond to requests for comment.
Steve Trumbo- Mensajes : 136439
Fecha de inscripción : 05/05/2013
Re: El mejor post del dia
Eric Sachs escribió:
Nhttps://bylinetimes.com/2021/04/21/scientist-linked-to-great-barrington-declaration-embroiled-in-world-health-organization-conflict-of-interest/?fbclid=IwAR1IVVpX5K-xXFzqGQQnQlzOiUl87GoY93126Gt9P8wLKQmRoiEV802cXogafeez Ahmed reports on allegations of cronyism over the funding of a research paper which tries to dismiss evidence that COVID-19 is an airborne infection
A scientist with links to the co-founders of the ‘herd immunity’ Great Barrington Declaration has quietly secured funding from the World Health Organization (WHO) to produce a bizarre paper denying evidence that COVID-19 is airborne, Byline Times can exclusively reveal. Several members of the WHO committee which commissioned the paper appear to have benefited from the contract by showing up as co-authors of the very paper they contracted out without declaring the potential conflict of interest.
Conflicts of Interest: WHO is Paying Who?
The key author of the new paper, which has already failed peer review, is Carl Heneghan, Professor of Evidence-Based Medicine at Oxford University.
On 24 March, Heneghan released a pre-print purporting to offer a ‘systematic review’ of the role of airborne transmission in COVID-19 which was “commissioned and paid for by the World Health Organization (WHO).” The paper concludes that there is insufficient evidence to reach “firm conclusions over airborne transmission”, a finding at odds with the wider scientific community. This conclusion is largely justified by a lack of COVID-19 virus samples from the air, although many other confirmed airborne viruses lack such evidence.
Although the paper contains the caveat that “funders had no role in study design, data collection and analysis, decision to publish, or preparation of the manuscript,” several co-authors of the paper alongside Heneghan are members of the WHO Infection Prevention and Control Research and Development Expert Group for COVID-19 (IPCRDEG-C19), which advises the WHO on how it should commission external research.
This includes Professor John Conly, Chair of the WHO expert group, and Professor Tom Jefferson. Although Jefferson’s interest in WHO is declared in the paper, Conly’s is not. Conly is also a member of the WHO Health Emergencies Programme (WHE) Ad-hoc COVID-19 IPC Guidance Development Group.
The paper denying evidence for airborne transmission is part of a whole series of systematic reviews by Heneghan’s Center for Evidence-Based Medicine commissioned by the WHO committee, all of which include Conly and Jefferson as co-authors. None of the experts involved in the airborne transmission review, however, are experts in aerosols.
A senior scientist familiar with WHO’s processes who spoke to Byline Times on condition of anonymity described the arrangement as a form of “cronyism” in which: “The apparent ‘external’ ‘independent’ reviews are just this internal bunch paying themselves for looking at the literature through the narrow, ‘medical’ lens and overlooking all the key methodologies for building the evidence base on airborne.”
Whose Disinformation?
The deeper problem is that the main beneficiary of the WHO contract is linked to COVID-19 disinformation networks whose recommendations have been criticised by the WHO.
Heneghan, who commentators accuse of promoting misinformation on masks and ‘herd immunity’, sits on the scientific advisory board of Collateral Global – a non-profit anti-lockdown venture – alongside Oxford University epidemiologist Professor Sunetra Gupta, Harvard University’s Professor Martin Kulldorf, and Stanford University’s Professor Jay Bhattacharya.
All three of Heneghan’s colleagues are founders and named authors of the Great Barrington Declaration (GBD), a pseudoscientific document whose proposed strategy of letting the virus run has been widely criticised by public health scientists. As Byline Times has previously revealed, the GBD was sponsored by a right-wing libertarian think tank plugged into the Koch-backed climate science denial network, with a history of spreading misinformation on behalf of private health and tobacco lobbies. Most of the GBD’s supposed medical scientific signatories are unverified and unvetted.
Funds Man Behind
Great Barrington Declaration
Nafeez Ahmed
Collateral Global is founded and directed by Sunetra Gupta and her partner Alexander Caccia, a UK Ministry of Defence contractor with ties to Canadian government fossil fuel investments, who had secretly drafted the GBD document. He had also secured PR support for Gupta’s claims about herd immunity from an agency linked to the Cabinet Office ‘Nudge Unit’. OpenDemocracy has now revealed that Gupta personally received funding for her discredited research on herd immunity from a Tory billionaire.
A month before the GBD was published, Heneghan co-authored a controversial letter to Prime Minister Boris Johnson calling for an end to lockdowns and the switch to a so-called ‘focused protection’ strategy. The letter was described as a “thinly veiled return to a herd immunity strategy” by Dr Stephen Griffin, Associate Professor in the School of Medicine, University of Leeds.
Heneghan’s other co-authors included Sunetra Gupta; Professor Karol Sikora, who has a reported history of lobbying against the NHS on behalf of Conservative and Republican party pressure groups; and Sam Williams, a long-time consultant to the Government’s Treasury department who had published a pseudoscientific paper which appeared to misrepresent the COVID-19 death toll.
Promoting Pseudoscience
WHO contractors Heneghan and Jefferson have previously been accused of promoting anti-mask misinformation. In November 2020, they co-wrote an article in The Spectator claiming that a Danish randomised-control trial proved that “wearing masks in the community does not significantly reduce the rates of infection.”
Heneghan’s flawed methodology is inherently designed to exclude evidence of airborne transmission that doesn’t involve successfully sampling COVID-19 from the air
As Sonia Sodha in The Guardian observed, Heneghan and Jefferson made “two serious scientific errors… based on a misrepresentation of a Danish randomised-control trial.” The study only considered the impact on the mask-wearer, not on others, which is why its authors made clear that their study would not justify conclusions about the impact of mask-wearing on reducing community transmission.
“Second, implicit in Heneghan’s piece is the erroneous assumption that there is some abstract hierarchy when it comes to scientific evidence: a randomised trial is always more robust than an observational study. But a randomised trial is only as useful as its design; this particular one was not even set up to answer Heneghan’s question,” Sodha observed.
COVID-19 is Airborne
The WHO’s commissioning of a scientist linked to the Great Barrington Declaration is an unexpected development given the body’s outspoken criticisms of a ‘herd immunity’ strategy.
However, the WHO’s refusal to take airborne transmission seriously has faced trenchant criticisms from the scientific community since last year when 239 scientists signed an open letter calling for international bodies to recognise COVID-19 airborne transmission. Since then, numerous studies have shown that airborne transmission is the dominant route for infection.
Reducing Aerosol Transmission
Is an Easy Win
To Stop the Spread of COVID
Dr Nishant Joshi
Heneghan’s latest WHO review has been criticised in Britain’s top medical journal, The Lancet, in a new comment article by Professor Trisha Greenhalgh at Oxford University’s Department of Primary Care Health Sciences; University of Colorado aerosol expert Professor Jose-Luis Jimenez; University of California, San Diego (UCSD), aerosol expert Professor Kimberly Prather; Professor Zeynep Tufekci, a complex systems expert at University of North Carolina and Harvard; Professor David Fisman, an infectious disease epidemiologist at the University of Toronto’s Dalla Lana School of Public Health; and Professor Robert Schooley, chief of UCSD’s infectious disease division.
“Airborne transmission of respiratory viruses is difficult to demonstrate directly”, they point out. “Mixed findings from studies that seek to detect viable pathogen in air are therefore insufficient grounds for concluding that a pathogen is not airborne if the totality of scientific evidence indicates otherwise. Decades of painstaking research, which did not include capturing live pathogens in the air, showed that diseases once considered to be spread by droplets [such as measles or tuberculosis] are airborne.”
Although we know that measles and tuberculosis are primarily airborne diseases, to this day they “have never been cultivated from room air”, The Lancet authors note. If we were to apply Heneghan’s standards, we would be forced to reach the absurd conclusion that we have insufficient evidence that measles and tuberculosis are airborne.
In other words, Heneghan’s flawed methodology is inherently designed to exclude evidence of airborne transmission that doesn’t involve successfully sampling COVID-19 from the air.
The new Lancet article refers to a wide range of peer-reviewed studies in the scientific literature showing that: “Detailed analyses of human behaviours and interactions, room sizes, ventilation, and other variables in choir concerts, cruise ships, slaughterhouses, care homes, and correctional facilities, among other settings, have shown patterns… consistent with airborne spread of SARS-CoV-2 that cannot be adequately explained by droplets or fomites. The high incidence of such events strongly suggests the dominance of aerosol transmission.”
The Lancet thus article reflects an emerging consensus across the scientific literature. As an April editorial in the British Medical Journal explains: “It is now clear that SARS-CoV-2 transmits mostly between people at close range through inhalation… So governments and health leaders should heed the science and focus their efforts on airborne transmission.”
Byline Times contacted the WHO multiple times to ask why the body is working with a scientist linked to the Great Barrington Declaration to promote potential misinformation about COVID-19 transmission, but received no reply.
Carl Heneghan, John Conly and Tom Jefferson did not respond to requests for comment.
Steve Trumbo- Mensajes : 136439
Fecha de inscripción : 05/05/2013
Re: El mejor post del dia
Lo he puesto dos veces para captar exactamente la esencia del momento.
Steve Trumbo- Mensajes : 136439
Fecha de inscripción : 05/05/2013
Re: El mejor post del dia
Me he acordado de cuando a Usagi le salió 11 o 13 veces.
atila- Mensajes : 31106
Fecha de inscripción : 20/07/2008
Re: El mejor post del dia
atila escribió:
Me he acordado de cuando a Usagi le salió 11 o 13 veces.
¿11 o 13?
En su peor momento tuvo uno que se le repitió ciento y pico veces
Rikileaks- Mensajes : 83791
Fecha de inscripción : 17/01/2012
Re: El mejor post del dia
Rikileaks escribió:atila escribió:
Me he acordado de cuando a Usagi le salió 11 o 13 veces.
¿11 o 13?
En su peor momento tuvo uno que se le repitió ciento y pico veces
No lo sufrí.
atila- Mensajes : 31106
Fecha de inscripción : 20/07/2008
Re: El mejor post del dia
Eric Sachs confundiéndose de Montero.
La Bea Fanjul del PSOE.
La Bea Fanjul del PSOE.
javi clemente escribió:Es una medida económica presentada por el ministerio de hacienda Por favorEric Sachs escribió:se toma la medida para " favorecer la igualdad ". quien es la ministra de igualdad? no me equivoco de montero no.javi clemente escribió:Te has equivocado de monteroEric Sachs escribió:https://elpais.com/economia/2021-05-02/el-gobierno-propone-acabar-con-la-ayuda-fiscal-por-tributacion-conjunta-en-irpf.html obviamente idea de la preclara mente de la Montero Muy de izquierdas todo. Joder a la gente con menores rentas. " por feniminismo" me cago en su puta madre.
salakov- Mensajes : 52889
Fecha de inscripción : 04/08/2015
Re: El mejor post del dia
salakov escribió:Eric Sachs confundiéndose de Montero.
La Bea Fanjul del PSOE.javi clemente escribió:Es una medida económica presentada por el ministerio de hacienda Por favorEric Sachs escribió:se toma la medida para " favorecer la igualdad ". quien es la ministra de igualdad? no me equivoco de montero no.javi clemente escribió:Te has equivocado de monteroEric Sachs escribió:https://elpais.com/economia/2021-05-02/el-gobierno-propone-acabar-con-la-ayuda-fiscal-por-tributacion-conjunta-en-irpf.html obviamente idea de la preclara mente de la Montero Muy de izquierdas todo. Joder a la gente con menores rentas. " por feniminismo" me cago en su puta madre.
No me he confundido.
a ver si ahora cada ministerio hace lo que le da la gana sin consultar al resto del gobierno.
hombre ya.
a ver que partido es el que esta con los tonterios las tonterias y les tonteries.
Lease el articulo , se toma esta medida para " favorecer la igualdad hombre / mujer".
eso, no podria ser mas purpura si le azotaran con una vara de avellano.
Como la que queria usar el amado lider con una tercera montero por cierto.
Eric Sachs- Mensajes : 71389
Fecha de inscripción : 06/03/2012
Re: El mejor post del dia
Eric Sachs escribió:
No me he confundido.
a ver si ahora cada ministerio hace lo que le da la gana sin consultar al resto del gobierno.
hombre ya.
RockRotten- Mensajes : 39236
Fecha de inscripción : 21/06/2009
Re: El mejor post del dia
RockRotten escribió:Eric Sachs escribió:
No me he confundido.
a ver si ahora cada ministerio hace lo que le da la gana sin consultar al resto del gobierno.
hombre ya.
Como argumento para poder echar la culpa de lo que no te gusta a alguien que te cae mal, es intachable.
Rikileaks- Mensajes : 83791
Fecha de inscripción : 17/01/2012
Re: El mejor post del dia
el xavea e`lamoto escribió:
Una vez, con el empalme matutino, se me ocurrió arrimarsela a mi novia a la boca, que estaba medio dormida.
Al rozarle,No sé si pensó que era una mosca o algo,pero me dió un manotazo que vi las estrellas
RockRotten- Mensajes : 39236
Fecha de inscripción : 21/06/2009
Re: El mejor post del dia
Rikileaks escribió:Damià escribió:Si le pintas un bigote a Nadal es Aznar.
Su pelo.
Cuadrito para Fati, que raro.
ruso- Mensajes : 32257
Fecha de inscripción : 27/08/2011
Re: El mejor post del dia
ruso escribió:Rikileaks escribió:Damià escribió:Si le pintas un bigote a Nadal es Aznar.
Su pelo.
Cuadrito para Fati, que raro.
Re: El mejor post del dia
Rikileaks escribió:javi clemente escribió:Rikileaks escribió:
Te cojo y te hago hacer andando la A3 hasta Madrid, calculín
RockRotten- Mensajes : 39236
Fecha de inscripción : 21/06/2009
Re: El mejor post del dia
Stoner escribió:R'as Kal Bhul escribió:JE_DD escribió:
Yo las he tenido escuchando su voz.
Tiene las gafas rayas y llenas de mierda, no debe ver un carajo.
Wonton Sopabuena- Mensajes : 19247
Fecha de inscripción : 05/12/2017
Re: El mejor post del dia
Stoner escribió:R'as Kal Bhul escribió:JE_DD escribió:
Yo las he tenido escuchando su voz.
RockRotten- Mensajes : 39236
Fecha de inscripción : 21/06/2009
Re: El mejor post del dia
Wonton Sopabuena escribió:Stoner escribió:R'as Kal Bhul escribió:JE_DD escribió:
Yo las he tenido escuchando su voz.
Tiene las gafas rayas y llenas de mierda, no debe ver un carajo.
Después de verlo hace un par de semanas saboteando a los Hermanos Cubero, lo que me sorprende es que aún le queden gafas que llevar.
Con los globazos con los que va por la vida debe de haber surtido de Ray Bans a los taxis y lavabos de toda España y parte del extranjero...
Wenn ist das Nunstück git und Slotermeyer? Ja! Beiherhund das Oder die Flipperwaldt gersput!
the_saturday_boy escribió:Subtítulos no encotré pero bueno, creo que es muda
Sugerio- Moderador
- Mensajes : 39168
Fecha de inscripción : 24/03/2008
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