Robert Gordon
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Re: Robert Gordon
No lo conocía, pero
Though some of the shows certainly showed promise, there were also many shows where Gordon seemed unfocused, did not know the words to some of the songs, or seemed more interested in having discussions with the soundpeople while on stage than in entertaining the crowd. Some of the reviews that appeared around this time even suggested that he was inebriated while performing. A review from the well-respected Norwegian "ROCK" website: [3] An interesting review of the Umeå concert on July 10, 2009 appeared in the "Västerbottens Folkblad" (Sweden), a newspaper that is usually very mild in its reviews, but in this case Anna Wallentin’s review of the concert makes for sad reading. She concludes the review with: "He leaves his performance without showing any interest in offering encores, and there is no applause asking for it". [4]
W- Mensajes : 2595
Fecha de inscripción : 11/12/2009
Re: Robert Gordon
W escribió:No lo conocía, peroThough some of the shows certainly showed promise, there were also many shows where Gordon seemed unfocused, did not know the words to some of the songs, or seemed more interested in having discussions with the soundpeople while on stage than in entertaining the crowd. Some of the reviews that appeared around this time even suggested that he was inebriated while performing. A review from the well-respected Norwegian "ROCK" website: [3] An interesting review of the Umeå concert on July 10, 2009 appeared in the "Västerbottens Folkblad" (Sweden), a newspaper that is usually very mild in its reviews, but in this case Anna Wallentin’s review of the concert makes for sad reading. She concludes the review with: "He leaves his performance without showing any interest in offering encores, and there is no applause asking for it". [4]
Así ha sido pero parece que la banda que le acompañara´ en el Azkena despeja un poco ese temor. Confío en que sea algo transitorio al estilo de Chuck Berry, etc...
asdasdash- Mensajes : 4464
Fecha de inscripción : 25/03/2008
Re: Robert Gordon
W escribió:No lo conocía, peroThough some of the shows certainly showed promise, there were also many shows where Gordon seemed unfocused, did not know the words to some of the songs, or seemed more interested in having discussions with the soundpeople while on stage than in entertaining the crowd. Some of the reviews that appeared around this time even suggested that he was inebriated while performing. A review from the well-respected Norwegian "ROCK" website: [3] An interesting review of the Umeå concert on July 10, 2009 appeared in the "Västerbottens Folkblad" (Sweden), a newspaper that is usually very mild in its reviews, but in this case Anna Wallentin’s review of the concert makes for sad reading. She concludes the review with: "He leaves his performance without showing any interest in offering encores, and there is no applause asking for it". [4]
Básicamente que en la última gira que hizo por Europa no se sabía las letras de las canciones, se ponía a discutir con los de sonido y salía borracho al escenario. Parece ser que no gustó mucho.
W- Mensajes : 2595
Fecha de inscripción : 11/12/2009
Re: Robert Gordon
Este tipo era un verdadero crack del rockabilly. Y cuando se hacía acompañar por Speeding ya era el no va más. Los ví en directo hace años y el asunto fue absolutamente tremendo. Pero, como han dicho por ahí, desconozco el estado en que estará y el tipo de show que pueden dar ahora.
manel.- Mensajes : 26623
Fecha de inscripción : 26/03/2008
Re: Robert Gordon
manel. escribió:Este tipo era un verdadero crack del rockabilly. Y cuando se hacía acompañar por Speeding ya era el no va más. Los ví en directo hace años y el asunto fue absolutamente tremendo. Pero, como han dicho por ahí, desconozco el estado en que estará y el tipo de show que pueden dar ahora.
pues esperemos que bien... que de una buena nota, yo tengo muchas ganas
Re: Robert Gordon
Stoner escribió:manel. escribió:Este tipo era un verdadero crack del rockabilly. Y cuando se hacía acompañar por Speeding ya era el no va más. Los ví en directo hace años y el asunto fue absolutamente tremendo. Pero, como han dicho por ahí, desconozco el estado en que estará y el tipo de show que pueden dar ahora.
pues esperemos que bien... que de una buena nota, yo tengo muchas ganas
W- Mensajes : 2595
Fecha de inscripción : 11/12/2009
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